Individual Therapy

IFS EMDR Therapy Group therapists work with individuals (18+) across the lifespan. IFS and EMDR are effective modalities use to treat a wide range of mental health issues. Below are just a few of the challenges our clients experience. These include anxiety, depression, people pleasing, grief, loss, relationship issues, life stressors, using substances, food, or body image issues, and the effects of trauma.


Do you have excessive worry or high anxiety? Do you find yourself caught up in fear and unsure how to break the cycles? Or maybe you have obsessive thinking patterns or compulsive behaviors you are engaging in? You’re not alone.

Many of our clients experience anxiety that interferes with everyday life. Symptoms of anxiety include worry, ruminating thoughts, difficulty concentrating, sleeping problems, obsessions, compulsions, irritability, and more. Symptoms of anxiety also include somatic or bodily symptoms such as rapid heart beat, sweaty palms, aches, muscle tension, headaches, digestive issues, difficulty with arousal or sexual functioning, and trouble sleeping.

Your anxiety might be something you have experienced since childhood or perhaps it was triggered by a recent life event. At IFS EMDR Therapy Group, we treat anxiety using a mixture of talk therapy and somatic techniques that help heal anxiety patterns cognitively and in your body.


Are you experiencing persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness? Maybe you have lost interest in things and activities you once enjoyed or you feel irritable and frustrated often? You might also experience difficulty with thinking, memory, eating and sleeping. These are all very common symptoms of depression.

It’s normal to feel sad about or grieve difficult life situations, such as losing your job, a loved one, or a divorce. However, depression is different in that it persists practically every day for at least two weeks. Like anxiety, depression is painful and makes day to day life a struggle. You are not alone. Our therapists can help.

At IFS EMDR Therapy Group, we treat depression from a holistic point of view by exploring the onset of depression, daily habits, social connections, and we incorporate somatic techniques that help heal anxiety cognitively and in the body.


Have you experienced a single-event trauma where there was a before and after such as a car crash, injury, or loss? Or maybe you experienced a challenging childhood or had a family with addiction/dysfunction? We understand that trauma is not just what happened to you; trauma is the effect of life events and the way they impact your body and mind in the aftermath of what happened.

When the nervous system detects danger during a traumatic experience, our bodies move out of rest and digest (parasympathetic system) into the fight-flight response as a protective mode. While that response is adaptive in acutely dangerous and life-threatening situations, in the context of everyday life, it can become damaging.

Trauma is what is left over after the danger has subsided and our bodies are stuck in a chronic fight-flight or fawn-freeze state. This chronic pattern of being stuck in states leads to PTSD and CPTSD. If you are feeling stuck in danger/protection patterns, we can help. At IFS EMDR Therapy Group, we treat trauma using Internal Family Systems (IFS), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Polyvagal theory to heal what is stored in your body that might be getting in the way of living your best life.